What will the world be like in 2100?

What will the world be like in 2100?

Let’s see what the world will be like in 2100. Who knows, maybe we can enjoy this time in the future.

As a person passionate about the future, I like to think about what will happen in a few decades, in different forms and manifestations. I don’t make predictions because they are often wrong and



Thinking about the future allows us to identify the various possibilities that the future offers us so that we can choose the reality that we like best and try to build it. Thinking about the future is the first step towards building it.


The presentation of scenarios about the future is a more powerful tool than predictions.


These are still not the most accurate predictions, and it is understandable that they may not happen as we expect, but they allow us to get an idea of ​​what future we can



Today we would like to write about our view of the world in the year 2100.


And here are a few scripted small predictions.


Will we be alive in 2100?


Think of yourself in the year 2100. Yes it is hard. This is because we find it difficult to relate to our future selves. The further into the future we look, the more unfamiliar it seems to us. The year 2100 is very far away, so it is almost impossible for us to imagine ourselves there and

empathize with this future self.


In addition, most of us probably think that it is unlikely that everyone living now will live to see this. It is too far. Who lives up to this age?


Kurzweil and other techno-utopians believe that advances in biotechnology, genetics, and medicine will allow us to live much longer in good health, or even reach some degree of mortality and never die again due to health-related complications.

I’m not sure we’ll ever get there, but I think that by the end of the century it’s entirely possible to increase our lifespan by a few decades.


Another question is whether we, as a species, will still exist. According to the philosopher Toby Ord, the chances of the extinction of the human species in this century are 1 to 61, but it’s still like saying yes or no, 50 to 50.


Thus, we are likely to continue to exist, and it is likely that many of us will still live in good health.


So what will the world be like in 2100? It will be a hotter world with more extreme weather.


In 2100, the world will be hotter, with more extreme weather and more natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires. How hot?


We cannot know right now, as it will depend on the actions of humanity over the next 80 years.


There are different scenarios: from 1.5°C to 5°C by 2100. That’s a big difference between the two extremes, but note that even if we cut all of our carbon emissions to zero today, the world would still continue to warm for decades due to all the extra carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere.


The best case scenario for us is a 1.5 ºC increase (although some experts believe that we will reach this figure as early as 2030), which seems insignificant, but it is huge. Even under this best-case scenario, sea levels would rise by about 1 meter, causing displacement

million people and will force us to invest trillions of dollars to make our coastal cities and towns habitable.


At this best, natural disasters such as droughts, floods, hurricanes, wildfires and so on will become more frequent and intense.


Global warming is not only warming, but also an increase in extreme weather. The worst-case scenario for a 5°C rise in temperature seems far-fetched, but it still exists

the risk that it might happen, or that it might approach it, with catastrophic consequences. It would turn our lives upside down.


A more populous world.


Demographic projections are usually relatively accurate because death and birth rates do not change drastically over time. However, the further into the future you go, the more likely it is that some of these numbers will differ significantly, leading to chaos in these forecasts.


Until recently, everyone agreed that the world population would peak at about 11 billion by the end of the century, and then begin to decline as fertility levels declined. However, a recent study predicts a faster

declining fertility rates due to advances in women’s education and the use of contraceptives, with the world population peaking at around 9 billion by 2100.


No matter how you look at it, the world by the end of the century will be much more populous, more densely populated, with higher pressure on resources, and an already stressful environment.


All projections agree that most of the growth will come from Africa, tripling its population to 4.3 billion based on the more common projection. Asia will peak at mid-century and then decline, but still remain

the most populous region in the world with 4.7 billion people.


This means that Africa and Asia will be home to 9 of the 11 billion people living on earth.


This will have a significant impact on the balance of power in global institutions and global markets, on the way we do business, on cultures that have a greater impact on the world, and so on. It is likely that by the end of the century the Western way of life and culture will fade into the background.


The era of technological miracles.

Over the past few decades, technology has become an important driver of change. We are entering an Age of Exponential Growth where technological breakthroughs are evolving at an ever faster pace, so the next 80 years will see the strides that we

can’t even imagine today.


It is reasonable to assume that one of the main sources of technological progress will be

artificial intelligence. Many AI researchers believe that we will achieve human-level artificial intelligence in the next few decades, certainly within this century.


When this happens, human-level AI will acquire all the knowledge that we have and will be able to produce more and more intelligent AI, reaching the level of superintelligence very quickly or producing what some call an intelligence explosion or Singularity.


In addition to advances in artificial intelligence, we will no doubt see advances in genetics, DNA sequencing, and engineering. Ethics will have to play an important role here. For example, do we want to create “designer babies” without hereditary

diseases? If so, why stop there? Why not make them beautiful, tall, strong and smarter?


Will we create an even more unequal society in which the super-rich create a superhuman species and leave the rest in the dust? These are questions that we will have to answer sooner or later, and the sooner the better.

Without falling into complete techno-utopianism, I believe that technology has the potential to be a huge boost, help us solve many of our current problems, and improve our standard of living by the year 2100.


We will fight climate change by changing our behavior, but without technological advances that will allow us to store or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it will be an uphill battle. The same goes for food production for 11 billion

people, fighting the next pandemic, or helping us tackle any of the major global challenges that we will face in the next few decades.


Technology carries its own risks, but without its help, we will not be able to meet the great challenges of our century. Work in 2100 or lack thereof


What will work be like in 2100? Will it be very different from today? It is quite possible that there will be no work in our current understanding.


Assume that artificial general intelligence, human-level artificial intelligence, or artificial superintelligence will be achieved by the end of the century, as above.

In this case, most likely, it will not work. Artificial intelligence and robots will be able to do everything we can, but faster and better.


As Stuart Russell explains in his book, “General purpose AI is all as a service. There would be no need to hire armies of specialists in various disciplines organized in a hierarchy of contractors and

subcontractors to carry out the project. All incarnations of general purpose AI will have access to all the knowledge and skills of the human race and much more.


In principle – leaving aside politics and economics – everyone could have at their disposal an entire organization consisting of software agents and physical robots capable of

design and build bridges, increase crop yields, cook dinner for a hundred guests, hold elections, or do whatever it takes. It is the versatility of general purpose intelligence that makes this possible.


If this becomes true, it will be a time of abundance. We will no longer need to work and all our basic needs will be met, but as has been the case throughout history, some people will have access to more abundance than others and it will likely be a highly unequal society if we do not Let’s do something to fix it now.


However, there is no certainty that this world will become true. Like the already mentioned Kai-Fu Lee, some authors believe that we are far from this scenario and that there will still be jobs for people. The number of jobs that machines will do better than us will increase significantly, but there will still be jobs that require human touch and emotion.


What people crave the most is what machines can’t provide: love and human connection.


Whether jobs exist or have disappeared altogether, it seems clear that we are likely to have a lot more free time in 2100. In a society like ours, where careers and work play such an important role in providing us with meaning,

social status and economic value will require a complete change of mindset.

Like the ancient Greeks or wealthy aristocrats throughout history, we will have to find ways to enjoy all the leisure that is available. Looking at the latest trends, we will probably spend most of our free time staring at a screen or immersing ourselves in the virtual world, playing games and having virtual sex.


However, people will also spend more time learning new skills, making art, and unleashing their creative instincts. Perhaps we will see a new flowering of art and creativity, perhaps a modern Renaissance?


A more humane and humane future.

There are many other possibilities that we have not covered in this article. Will there be a human colony on Mars by 2100? Maybe.


Will we know for sure if there is life after death? Hardly.

We find it exciting to think about the future and reflect on it.


We don’t make predictions, but we like to think about the possibilities and the possible future, and then work towards the most desirable. The future does not happen by itself – we build and shape it. We have a free hand on this, but we must start

build it today.


Depending on the actions we take now, by the end of this century the world will become slightly or unbearably warmer, or the world’s population will increase to 9, maybe 11 billion people.