Children’s vision and digital devices

Children’s vision and digital devices

Let’s take a look at the negative effects of digital technology. As we rapidly enter the digital age, more and more people are becoming gadget-dependent at work. And at home, the amount of time spent on a smartphone or laptop is off the charts. Today, digital technologies such as TVs, computers, smartphones and tablets are used by children to play and learn.

But how many hours do kids spend in front of screens?

New technologies surround children everywhere: at school they work on computers, at home they watch TV and play with their smartphones. Nearly half of parents surveyed agreed that their children spend too much time on digital devices.

They think 1-2 hours is an acceptable amount of time. But the actual time kids spend on digital devices may be much higher than we think. According to the study, kids spend an average of one hour a day on each device: personal computers, tablets (like iPads), game consoles, and smartphones. It’s estimated that they spend more than half an hour on e-books (like Kindle), MP3 players, and e-learning devices.

And don’t forget, they also watch TV every day.

The reality is startling.

That’s over 7 hours a day that kids spend in front of electronic screens. This habit has the potential to be harmful to a child.

Children and digital devices

dizajn bez nazvanija 57The current generation has more access to digital devices than ever before, and it’s only natural that children turn to these devices for both work and play. This in turn means that children are spending more time looking at a digital screen than ever before.

When we look at an object up close, our eyes work much harder to focus on the image than when we look at something from a distance. To focus on a small image on a screen, our eyes have to exert a lot of pressure.

What are the consequences of digital overuse?

All parents are concerned about the amount of time their child spends in front of a screen and the impact of this lifestyle on their vision. According to the survey, 66% of parents are concerned about overuse of digital devices, and 60% are particularly worried about the potential for damage to their children’s eyesight.

The most common side effect of prolonged use of digital devices is computer vision syndrome. This can be caused by children mishandling the device. Most often, they are trying to see small text or an image on the screen too close.

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Another potential cause of eye strain is the high-energy visible (HEV) light typically emitted by digital devices. Frequent exposure to HEV light, especially at night, will degrade your eyesight over time. Of course, the number of digital devices will only increase in the near future. And more research is needed to assess the impact on people.

Although it doesn’t happen often, overuse of digital devices can cause a number of problems, including behavioral issues, attention problems, and eye strain. Many of these health problems may go unnoticed because they may not be noticeable at first or may be mistaken for eye fatigue. However, continued overuse can cause health problems over time.

Overuse of digital devices can cause problems in the future. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is common among adults and is one of the conditions that can be caused by digital screens and the amount of time spent looking at them.

Symptoms of CVS include blurred vision, fatigue, headaches, and difficulty focusing at different distances. In addition, some people experience back and neck pain due to the constant awkward posture of looking at a small photo or focusing on small text.

Precautions parents should take

children's vision

Digital devices have quickly become an important part of everyday life for adults and children alike. Not surprisingly, the risks and potential problems associated with overuse are often overlooked.

To make sure your child uses a device without harming his or her health, parents can follow a few simple tips:

  1. Have your child’s vision checked regularly. A child’s eyesight is critical to their future learning and development, so they should have regular eye exams from an early age. You can bring your child in at any age, but the recommended age for the first visit is 3-4 years. Be sure to tell your eye care professional about any family history of vision problems.
  2. Place a light source behind you when using a computer. If you or your child uses a computer, do not place the light source behind the screen. Instead, place the light on the side or behind you.
  3. Always sit at arm’s length from the screen. Standing too close to the screen can be harmful and cause discomfort, stress, and eye strain. This posture may be a sign that your child is developing nearsightedness. To avoid this, always sit an arm’s length away from the screen. If you notice your child sitting too close, or if he or she has eye discomfort, see a professional; you may need vision correction.
  4. Take a break every 20 minutes of screen time. For example, look away from the screen and stare at something 20 feet (6 meters) away for 20 seconds. Getting kids to follow the 20/20/20 rule on a regular basis can be a challenge. It is a good idea to establish a schedule for working at the computer. Time should be organized so that breaks are spread throughout the study.
  5. Most importantly, all ophthalmologists recommend replacing the digital screen with outdoor play, which will improve the child’s overall health.