Ask the Doctor: Can my eyesight be affected by prolonged computer use?

Ask the Doctor: Can my eyesight be affected by prolonged computer use?

– Hello Doctor! The most important question, I can’t not start with it: if I sit 8-10 hours a day working at the computer, what are the chances that my eyesight will go bad?

– Hello! Not much, to be honest. Because in order for your eyesight to go bad, you need several factors to coincide, in addition to the fact that you get an uneven visual load. Now you are not unique in this sense, even we – doctors who also sit at the computer – get the load nowadays.

There must be other predisposing factors:

  • Weakness of the collagen tissue; where the eye can lengthen, not grow, but lengthen because it’s just weak.
  • Genetic predisposition. Because if the parents had myopia, the child is more likely to have it. Maybe not in the same percentage as the parents (if mom has -9, the child is unlikely to have -9), but some minus is likely.
  • How you work is also important. Do you work 8-10 hours straight, or do you get distracted by the computer, tea, watching pigeons out the window, something else? Are there things that give your eyes time to relax, time to get back to work?
  • Do you use moisturizing drops to relieve eye strain and prevent dryness so that dry eye syndrome doesn’t interfere with your work?

Working at a computer puts a lot of strain on your eyes, which can make them feel like they have sand in them. People describe this sensation in different ways: some people talk about “sand” in their eyes, others talk about discomfort, sticky eyes, or heaviness.

This problem is relevant to many people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen, because research shows that we blink less when we are using devices. By the end of the day, the eyes can get tired because there are simply not enough tears, and then the lacrimal gland begins to actively produce and the eyes become watery. Once tear production is complete, the second stage begins: lack of tear production.

To cope with this, it is necessary to use moisturizing drops. They create a protective film that prevents the rapid evaporation of tears from the surface of the eye. This is especially important in the winter, when the heating is on, and when looking at the screen for a long time, when the blinking mode is slowed down.

eye drops

– Doctor, are all the drops right for me?

I cannot recommend all drops. I will share my experience with one drop. I found it difficult to tolerate “Japanese” drops. I tried different brands and types, but they all caused me discomfort. Using them turned out not to be the best idea. After using the “Japanese” drops, I felt like I had accidentally gotten Tabasco sauce in my eyes. My eyes began to sting and even “tear”. Eventually, as the effects wore off, there was a nice feeling of relief. It felt as if my eyes had let go.

Marketers have been brainwashed into calling them “Japanese” drops and aggressively promoting them on the Internet. But in my experience there are many substances in their composition that are not very useful, to say the least. In particular, the excess of preservatives in these drops ensures the stability of the product, but unfortunately increases dry eyes.
One of the ingredients that causes the “eye popping” sensation is levomenthol. This menthol component, which acts on the cold receptors, causes an initial burning sensation followed by a pleasant light chill. In the end, however, this seems to be an unnecessary effect with no real therapeutic effect.
The composition of these drops also contains antiseptics, such as boric acid. However, their use is questionable because they have side effects.

eye health– Why do the eyes become beautiful and bright after using these drops?

Because they have a component in their composition that dilates the blood vessels and gives the eyes a special look. But it’s important to realize that this only gives you temporary beauty and no real benefit. In fact, it can be harmful because such components can disrupt the trophic process of the eye vessels. Normally, the vessels are supposed to supply the eyes with the necessary substances, but if the vessels become narrow, it can lead to poor blood supply, which in turn affects the condition of the eye tissue.
Such drops may only be useful for a temporary effect, such as when you need to look spectacular before an important event so that the whites of your eyes are bright white. For example, before a television show or after a sleepless night when your eyes do not look their best. However, constant use of such drops can be dangerous, so it is recommended to limit their use.

If you need drops to moisturize your eyes, it is better to use ordinary drops designed for this purpose. Use drops that do not contain a lot of menthol or drops with an antiallergic component. They do not constrict the blood vessels as much as “Japanese” drops, and moisturize the eyes more effectively. So instead of constricting the blood vessels, they improve the overall health of the eyes.

It is important to remember that the cause of red eyes at the end of the day is most often due to dryness rather than inflammation, and the use of moisturizing drops is more than enough to solve this problem.