Beneficial foods for eyes and vision
“We are what we eat” is not an empty phrase. The food we eat has an irreversible effect on our health, the condition of our skin, nails and hair, and the length and quality of our lives. When our diet is balanced, we feel alert, our sense of well-being normalizes, mood swings and psychological tension disappear. An unbalanced diet leads to low energy, constant tiredness and poor appearance.
The system of proper nutrition is not a myth, and healthy foods can really help to improve health and prolong life. So what should be included in the diet to improve vision?
These foods can be divided into four main groups: vegetables and herbs, fruits and berries, fish and animal products.
Vegetables and herbs
- Carrots top the list of foods that are good for your eyesight. This is no coincidence, as carrots are an important source of vitamin A for the eyes. Carrots are rich in antioxidants, vitamins C, E and B, and trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, fluorine). Carrots are the champions of beta-carotene, which prevents age-related vision loss. If you don’t have the opportunity to eat carrots, try carrot juice. You can drink it at any time of the day, and if you already have vision problems, drink a glass of juice on an empty stomach (if there are no contraindications).
- Add a few spoonfuls of beetroot juice to your carrot juice. Beetroot cleanses the body of toxins and promotes blood renewal. The resulting vitamin cocktail invigorates the whole body.
- Include pumpkin in your diet. It contains carotene, which is good for people with sight problems. Add it to salads, baked goods or make mashed potatoes.
- Increase your intake of spinach. Lutein, found in green and yellow vegetables, protects the eyes from cataracts, a clouding of the lens. Spinach also contains copper, zinc, phosphorus, protein and fatty acids.
- Add parsley to your regular salad or make a juice by mixing it with other juices, such as carrot juice, one tablespoon a day.
Fruit and berries
- Blueberries are the most famous berry for improving vision. Although they are added to supplements and made into smoothies and shakes, it is best to eat them fresh. Blueberries are high in antioxidants, healthy acids, trace elements and vitamins A, C and B. Blueberries are high in lutein, which protects the eyes from environmental damage. Heat-treated berries lose their beneficial compounds, so fresh berries are the most effective. They can be mixed with yoghurt or mashed with sugar.
- Apricots are good for the eyes and you can use both fresh and dried apricots.
- Kiwis, oranges and strawberries are high in vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessel walls and improves blood flow to the eyes.
- Rose hips are also high in vitamin C. However, rose hips should be drunk as an infusion. However, rosehip infusion should be drunk through a tube to avoid damaging tooth enamel.
- Melons are high in beta-carotene and prevent blindness.
Fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which the body cannot produce. It is recommended to eat oily fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel to improve vision. In addition to fish, it is recommended that you include fish oil in your diet.
Animal products
- Eggs contain sulphur, amino acids and lutein, which protect the eyes from cataracts. Note that quail eggs and chicken eggs contain high levels of vitamins A and B.
- Beef contains selenium, which improves haematopoietic processes in the body and is associated with age-related retinal degeneration. Beef contains protein and vitamins B, C, A and PP.
- Milk contains calcium, which is good for bones, and vitamins D and B2. These vitamins protect the retina from sunlight and brighten colour vision.