Can vision be restored without surgery? Ways to restore vision: myths and truth
The Internet is full of stories about how to restore sight. For example, there is such a device as perforated glasses, which promises rest for the eyes. There are suggestions to work in computer glasses, eat blueberries, drink carrot juice – like magic tricks. But what of all this really works, and what is just a myth?
Special glasses
Let’s talk about special glasses. Glasses with holes or filters to improve vision have their own subtleties. The holes create an iris effect, directing narrow beams of light onto the retina, which theoretically should improve focus and vision. However, once the glasses are removed, the effect disappears and they have no therapeutic properties.
With modern technology making it possible to adjust the contrast in devices, the question of different computer glasses, such as blue or yellow lenses, may be of interest. Such glasses can also change the contrast, but their effectiveness has not always been confirmed by scientific studies. These lenses, although considered effective by some users, have more of a placebo effect. Despite the qualities attributed to them, they do not have a noticeable effect.
Computer glasses with blue lenses, recommended by blue light screen protection, can prevent the negative effects of the blue spectrum on photoreceptors. However, it is important to note that the long-term effectiveness of these new methods in preventing age-related macular degeneration and other vision problems has yet to be confirmed.
Nevertheless, wearing these glasses without following the rules of vision care, such as taking breaks, moisturizing your eyes, and getting a good night’s sleep, is unlikely to provide complete protection against degenerative processes.
Beneficial substances and vitamins for the eyes
For example, some foods, such as carrots and blueberries, contain substances that are good for our eyes, such as pigments in the epithelium of the eye. However, unless you follow a strict diet and avoid certain foods, it may not make sense to get these substances from supplements or vitamins.
It is important to realize that vitamin deficiencies are not always easy to detect because not all vitamins circulate in our blood. They are also found in the tissues of our bodies.
However, it is important not to overuse vitamins, especially if you do not have specific digestive problems or vitamin deficiencies. Taking too many vitamins can be harmful and cause allergic reactions.
As for medicines and supplements containing lutein and zaxanthin, they may be beneficial for the eyes, especially for age-related macular degeneration. However, their use should be coordinated with a doctor to avoid an overabundance of vitamins and minerals.
There are widespread approaches such as the use of lutein or blueberries. Some people even insist on taking vitamins and go to doctors with such demands.
The doctors say, “Here, you’d better eat blueberries, carrots, you’ll get some vitamins, these are supplements. This is not a medicine, because a medicine is tested and approved. However not all supplements have been scientifically proven to work. As for the lutein, we prescribe it, trusting the research done abroad by pharmaceutical companies that we trust.
A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals (especially vitamins A, C, and E, zinc, and lutein) is excellent for the health of the eyes and the body as a whole. But it can rarely cure a disease that has already developed.
Eye exercises
Doctors tell patients that eye exercises are effective if you do them regularly, for example, 15 minutes a day.
Finding even 15 minutes a day to do simple upward or other exercises can be a challenge. He has done scientific research to improve the blood supply to the muscles of the eye. This is important because the eye has many muscles (6 in total: 4 straight muscles, 2 oblique muscles, and the ciliary body inside the eye), and the exercises are designed to improve the work of these muscles and prevent spasms.
When the eyes are under tension, the muscles can contract, putting pressure on the eye and causing the eye to elongate. Exercise helps improve blood flow to the eye muscles, preventing spasms and relieving tension. Regular exercise can help maintain muscle tone and prevent the situation from getting worse.
However, as with any sport or exercise, regularity is important. If a person runs for two months and then stops, the body will lose tone. The same is true with eye exercises.
In combination with other eye care methods, regular exercise can help keep your eyes from deteriorating and keep them healthy.
Taking a comprehensive approach to vision care
Remember, it’s important to take a comprehensive approach to effective vision care: proper nutrition, UV protection, sleep and rest routines, eye exercises, and regular eye exams can help ensure long-term eye health and prevent potential vision problems.