7 rules to avoid vision problems when using a computer

7 rules to avoid vision problems when using a computer

Working on a computer has become such an integral part of modern life that it is hard to imagine life without it. Computers combine many things: relaxation with computer games, pleasant pastime and organization. It is pointless to question the need for computers.

Computers help to solve so many problems and tasks that it is impossible to imagine life without them. However, despite all these advantages, computers have a whole world of disadvantages. Who hasn’t experienced the fatigue, the dry and burning eyes, the tears and the redness that occur towards the end of the working day?

Unfortunately, if you do not take precautions when using computer equipment, your eyesight can be irreparably damaged. If you have head or neck pain throughout the day, blurred vision in the evening, or constantly rub your eyes with your hands, it’s time to think about computer vision syndrome.

How can I prevent my eyesight from deteriorating when I use a computer?

There are a few rules for people who use a computer every day.

eye health

1. First, think about the layout of your workspace. Position your monitor at eye level or slightly lower to relax your eye muscles. Make sure the monitor is well lit and that ceiling lights and other light sources do not reflect onto the screen. This will prevent glare. Remember that the optimum distance between your eyes and the monitor is at least 70 cm.

2. Ensure that the monitor screen is properly adjusted. Again, avoid glare. Adjust the contrast and sharpness of the screen and don’t hesitate to change them if you get tired of images with too much contrast after working for a long time. It’s also a good idea to reduce the overall brightness when you’re working. Check the colour temperature of your monitor. Many systems can be set to a ‘night’ mode to help relax your eyes.

3. If possible, take a break every 40 minutes. During this time, look off into the distance, out of the window, or make yourself a cup of coffee. Relaxing eye exercises can also help. The simplest exercises include rotating your eyes, focusing on objects near and far, and alternately closing and opening your eyes. Blinking quickly helps to lubricate the mucous membranes and quickly and easily relieves discomfort throughout the body.

4. Spend more time outdoors, especially in the warmer seasons. A walk will relax your eyes, which will take the increased strain off them and make you feel more rested throughout the day. Not only will you be rested, but you will give yourself a break and return to work with renewed energy.

5. Wear special glasses that are compatible with modern computer equipment. Unlike ordinary glasses, these glasses have a special coating on the lenses that neutralizes blue and violet rays, reducing the likelihood of headaches and migraines. The glasses also help eliminate glare from the screen and reduce the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the eyes.

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These glasses are popular with office workers, students and schoolchildren. It should be noted that computer glasses slightly distort the colours of the screen, but this distortion is very slight. These glasses are recommended not only for computer work, but also for viewing broadcasts from mobile devices.

6. Use moisturising eye drops. When you work, your eyes are focused on one point and you blink less, which can lead to burning and dry eyes. Eye drops can solve this problem immediately and relieve discomfort. But before using them, you should consult your doctor to choose the right ones for you.

7. Eat right. A good diet is important not only for your general health, but also for the health of your eyes. Eating a good, balanced diet is good for your health because it prevents the mucous membranes of the eyes from drying out. Include fish, nuts, citrus fruits, dairy products and vegetables in your diet. Vitamins C, D, A, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly good for the eyes.

By following these simple and effective guidelines, you can minimise your chances of developing eye diseases such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, corneal scarring and more serious complications. By preventing eye disease now, you can preserve your sight for years to come, despite today’s busy lifestyles.